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  11          TECHNOTWADDLE.         
  10 23637+256*
   9             BOOKLINK            
   8            FREE GIFTS           
   6 page=page+
   6          QUESTION TIME.         
   5       ALCHEMIST PD UPDATES      
   4 23638-0899":
   4           TALKING ED's          
   3 page=page-
   3 We accept tape, +D 3.5~ disk,   +3 disk and Microdrive Carts.   Opus Discovery & +3 DRIVE B:    owners can read our +D disks if they have the converter system  installed. (Available here)
   3 Telephone: 0742 697644 after 6pm"'"Europe: +44 742 697644 - 7pm CET"''"
   3 SHEFFIELD"'"South Yorkshire"'"S13 7LN"'"
   3 Remember to include an SAE and  media of your choice if you're  not buying any compilations.
   3 Andy Davis"'"Alchemist Research"'"62 Tithe Barn Lane"'"Woodhouse"'"
   3 AlchNews 10. +D Version         Release  1.0
   3 A.L.C.H.N.E.W.S.
   3 3:EXIT     
   3 2:DISK     
   3 23638-0826":
   3 1:TAPE     
   3 *****     OUR ADDRESS.     *****
   3 * * * * * STAR LETTER. * * * * *
   3  to read the pages  
   3  for Options    
   3  for Menu or 
   3  Letters to  Alchemist Research 
   3  1993 Alchemist Research Ltd. 
   3   Alchemist Research Response.  
   3      Press:     
   3       SINCLAIR NEWS REVIEW      
   3        SINCLAIR CONTACTS.       
   3           TRADING POST          
   3           OPEN LETTER.          
   3             COMMENT             
   2 Sinclair News
   2 Ramdisk Simulator
   2 Music Writer
   2 23638-1276":
   2 "3";"Use Cursor Keys, and ENTER"
   2  MENU Lns 10-19 
   2  Letters To Alchemist Research. 
   2          DICTIONARY ""A""
   2            PRIZE DRAW           
   2            NEXT ISSUE           
   2            KIND WORDS           
   2             REVIEWS.            
   1 ~Sorry sir, we can't make a heapload of profit on that machine~
   1 ~Sorry   sir, not much call for that now~
   1 ~Ablex, Maxell, EMI~
   1 will do the job, so long as STEPand START lines are less than   255. So, to increment from line 1 in ones, poke both addresses  with 1.":
   1 which roughly translates to     
   1 which I am      waiting for with baited breath!":
   1 which I also use. As you can seeit's 8 bits all the way for me!"''"  Kind regards, 
   1 was an immediate success and therest of his works followed suit:"'''"
   1 version)."'"                             
   1 users who are waiting for these
   1 up the plans for the Analytical
   1 turn of the 19th. Century where we continue next issue.":
   1 to code (even SAVE and LOAD).
   1 the most innovative compiler forthe Speccy....COLT!
   1 the actual compiler must also besaved with the compiled code.
   1 sprites, windows and a host of
   1 scrapped the idea of the
   1 saved with the compiled file
   1 reply from AGENT-X and BZYK (of PENTAGRAM) regarding some of themore technical aspects of SOUND
   1 probably the finest British DemoGroup around.  Now, thanks to   Mark ~Miktor~ Harris, I now have+D versions of all of Triad's   and 
   1 parts to a high enough degree ofprecision, the machine does not work well. Soon he will have
   1 other effects. The compiler evenadds (and allows the user to
   1 only compiler but this compiler can hanlde strings (with some
   1 of my demos (available from
   1 messing about). The increase in speed for the compiled file can be up to 200%! Also the compilermust be saved with the compiled file.":
   1 issue but I'm still awaiting a
   1 is totally incorrect. I did not inform Mr Carswell of this      information, and to prove his   errors, the following was wrong:"''"1) My shell was not stolen for     Sinclair News, but the          unpublished PD REVIEW program"''"2) The AlchNews shell is 90%       BASIC. The Sinclair News        shell was specially written     by Dominic Morris":
   1 is the first bookand sees the original ST crew   come out of retirement to stop amarauding bunch of dieters from eating the Galaxy dry!"''"
   1 is the best of the  lot and sees the two crews goingthrough time for their own      benefits. Piker (Ryker) happens to accidentally start the US    Civil War.":
   1 is a race tothe Fountain of Youth which StarFreak hopes can sell to raise   some cash for their coffers.":
   1 is a block line delete       function, but has nothing to do with the disk at all.":
   1 integers even multi-dimensioned arrays!
   1 instructions.
   1 inability to manufacture the
   1 in this article:
   1 immediately superseded by
   1 has to be the best tape to disk to disk to tape copier  ever seen on this machine, even handling PC disks!":
   1 handle strings, integers, non-
   1 handle NO strings (even INKEY$).So it is rather limited. Also
   1 handle 99% of   all the Spectrum's full price,  non-PD adventure games. There isa large selection to choose fromall at discount prices. There isalso support for the Amiga and  other machines too."''"
   1 gives you a digital clock in ANY mode, and has it's own   bolder font included!"''"
   1 gives normal bytes free for  your own programs and code. Thisis useful when setting up how   many bytes you want for yourselfand how many to allocate to te  disk. This has to be done       manually, but I'll explain more later."''"
   1 form that the compiler can read via the toolkit provided, you
   1 for load, 
   1 finally get into the compiler
   1 file."'"With Tasword 2, there are no endof line markers, and the text   was simply saved out as a"'"continual stream of ASCII"'"characters, the ~unused~ parts  being simply padded with spaces.So, a line of text created with Tasword 2 is composed of 64"'"bytes, regardless of the margin setting.":
   1 excellent SOUND TRACKER this
   1 done with this compiler see one
   1 demos. These are
   1 d: POKE a,d: NEXT a"'"50
   1 create machine code files with
   1 cool utility. However, it can
   1 concept, the machine is never
   1 concentrate his efforts into
   1 compilers that will be covered
   1 compiler. It limits the user to compiled programs of about 12K
   1 compiler of them all...BLAST.
   1 commands, with   
   1 care of the usual AlchNews address.":
   1 can handle ALL the Speccy's
   1 calculating machine driven by anexternal set of instructions or a program; although modern in
   1 built in working form.
   1 building a general purpose
   1 block of code for a simple task.The speed increase is quite goodat about 60-80%.":
   1 available.":
   1 allows you to scan   through a disk for a particular set of bytes or text."''"
   1 added the colours and made sure the rest of the screen was ok.  Then, I loaded up 
   1 add) extra code commands to the
   1 `1 buys you a 3M +D disk with a menu & information program and  ten utilities. Many of the      programs on disk One are        courtesy of Miles Kinloch and   Mark Harris, whose addresses arepublished this issue, should youwish to contact them further.
   1 ZX BIBLE). This was almost
   1 Z80 made easy article.
   1 Yours Sincerely, George Jones
   1 You can get your copy by sendingan SSAE and tape / disk to the  usual AlchNews address."''"
   1 Yes, the address IS real!":
   1 With this compiler you could
   1 Why ~AlchNews~?"'"
   1 Why is there no 128k music?"'"
   1 Why is AlchNews quarterly?"''"
   1 Why don't you charge?"'"
   1 When Threfall and Hodgson moved to Hi Soft they began work on
   1 Whats your office like?"'"
   1 What readership do you have?"'"
   1 What machines do you have?"'"
   1 What about the future?"''"
   1 What Now 3         38166        
   1 Well, thanks to a good response via me, Outlet and SAM Prime, wehave a letters section!
   1 Well, it's short for ALCHemist  research NEWS. It was going to  be called Sinclair News, but a  friend advised me of the legal  implications with Amstrad, so I decided not to!"''"
   1 Well, I don't envisage AlchNews going onto consoles (spit). I   don't think the Amiga has any   future beyond 1999 (hot tip!),  so perhaps the PC. After all,   AlchNews is there already!      Needless to say, I shall be     continuing with AlchNews and thePD library and all other Speccy projects right to the LAST      reader. We have seen the arrivaland demise of many, and it is   not something Alchemist Researchwill be doing!":
   1 Well, A Spectrum +2 (grey),     Spectrum +3, two Spectrum +, anda rubber keyed 48k. I also have a +D and 3.5~ drive, a 5.25~    drive, interface One and micro- drives, lots of tape decks      (mostly Sony and Memorex tape   deck seperates.) Then theres thetwo VTX modems, two Alphacom 32 printers, lightgun, home made   ~keypad~, and joysticks! And howcould I forget my Muliface 128, and my new Amstrad CM14 monitor!
   1 Well steve, split edge"'"connectors are quite common"'"really. You could always invest in a tube of superglue and run  a drop or two along the split.  Make sure you hold the loose"'"pieces together though, or you  might make the problem worse.   If the edge connector is really too damaged to repair like this,then replacement is your only   hope. If you have a soldering   iron and a de-soldering pump,   then it's quite a simple task   to replace. Failing this, you   would be better off sending the unit for repair.":
   1 Well Joanne, my severe lack of aprinter prevents me from doing afull products sheet, so I have  to make do with the old Alphacomfor lists! I will buy a fullsizeprinter very soon!
   1 Well I know I promised some
   1 We've had more than our fair    share! My guess is that they    don't like me to show that it   can be done very cheaply! I'm   the ~Superdrug~ of the Spectrum!"''"
   1 UNIT         a microprocessor
   1 Triad Developments
   1 Train Spottin, Yesterday's DreamNSD 1,2,3,4 & 5 and TMF 1. 
   1 Trading Post
   1 To replace the edge connector,  first remove the old solder withthe de-soldering pump, and then simply fit the new part. You canget a new part from Maplin"'"(address later). When you've"'"fitted the new part, simply"'"solder it in place. A word of   warning though, when you remove the old solder, don't use too   much heat, you might damage the copper tracks on the circuit"'"board. When soldering the new   part into place, use only the   minimum of solder. Too much may cause a short circuit between   the pins.":
   1 To find out the attribute colourjust work out your paper and inkcolours and calcualte like so:  
   1 To be honest, if you don't know what you are doing, then send itaway for repair. Any mistakes   you make could damage your"'"computer and the Multiface."'"The address of Maplin ElectronicSupplies is:"''"
   1 Time Warped 
   1 Three reasons to this. AlchNews is a multi format magazine with many 48k readers. I don't want  them to feel a minority, so I   leave it out.  Second, it takes up valuable space which readers prefer to be utilised for text. Finally, most 128k tunes last nomore than a couple of minutes.  This is fine for the smaller    'zines where it only takes a fewminutes to read through it.":
   1 This was a ~taster~ of what to expect from this new tapezineand to introduce my work. All   'zines usually cringe at their  first issue, and I'm definetly  no exception!"''"
   1 This issue was a bit of a   let down, due to me being very  upset about the lack of input.  From here, AlchNews became a    quarterly production. I gave an update of what Alchemist        Research did.":
   1 This is another compiler that
   1 Their extremely essential       catalogue is available from all good newsagents price `2.95.
   1 The white outline is your mat & the green is the computer & +D.
   1 The speed increase is about 65% over it's BASIC equivalent.":
   1 The purchase was made from my   own personal accounts and no    monies from Alchemist Research  products will pay for it."'"
   1 The preferred media accepted foryour programs is tape and +D    disk. The +3 disk is not really suitable for posting, due to    it's weight, and their price in case of any Post Office ~errors~"'"
   1 The original ~rolling~ page numbers (ala Teletext) was      abandoned, much to everyones    delight! I also adopted the     horrendous ~Super~print system! This didn't last for long. We   also saw the first Spellunkler  magazine, Alec Carswell's suddenvanish, leaving mney angry soulsasking me why! There was a very useful article on computer      ~hoovering~, and my +2 died!":
   1 The most popular is time. It    seems to take a minimum of one  month for him to get back to    you. Do not accept ~busy~ as an excuse. I do a full time job andreturn on average about six or  seven PD orders per day on the  day I recieved them."''"Next up is reliability. I have  ordered PD which has had an     important code file missing.    When I have complained, Prism   assure me they sent it. (But    did not re-send the program).   This has not only happened to mebut a few others too.":
   1 The main reason is time.":
   1 The full manual is 
   1 The end result is a VERY large
   1 The early issues were released  to friends only, but it then gotmore and more readers!
   1 The Rats       The Survivor     The Fog        Lair             Domain         Fluke            The Spear      The Dark         The Jonah      Shrine           Moon           Magic Cottage    Sepulchre      Haunted          Creed          The Portent
   1 The RASPUTIN Takeover.
   1 The Making Of AlchNews
   1 Thankyou for your letter. You   are not alone in complaints for Prism. It seems quite a few haveordered this video titling pack and felt duped. One or two have even come to me for help in     tracking down YS-MEGABASIC, and in the process, spotting some   useful programs in Alchemist PD and ordering. The response is   usually of gratitude for the    sheer speed of the order, the   quality of the programs and the reliable save of it."''"As for Prism, these are just a  few of the complaints I have:
   1 Ten years after developing the
   1 Technotwaddle."
   1 Taylor's Tattle."
   1 Tasword Explained
   1 Talking Ed's
   1 TRAIN   SPOTTIN 2: Revenge of the       Platform Ticket 
   1 TRACKER. Maybe by next issue
   1 TOTAL EXPENDITURE    :   `1"'''"MEDIA:
   1 THE ZX BIBLE INTEGER COMPILER iseasily the poorest. But when youconsider that it was written in 1983 it would've been quite a
   1 Steve Harris.
   1 Spectrum Software Hire,"'"32 Dursley Road,"'"Trowbridge,"'"Wiltshire,"'"BA14 0NP."''"
   1 Soundtracker
   1 SoundTracker II by Skusoft
   1 Soccer       manager games! It's sad to see  it end like this, but at least  it's now easy to buy new        machines very cheaply through   the classified ads. As for your comments of buying every issue, you won't have to buy issue 10, as you have won it for being the~Star Letter~!
   1 So, when you see of all these   ~concerned~ Speccy Producers    giving away products or selling them cheaply, remember who      started the whole process off!"''"
   1 So, there you are; a potted     history of AlcheNews on the     Spectrum. I could go on and talkabout the QL version, but thats another (long) story!
   1 Simon    Goodwin
   1 SectSearch 
   1 Sam Prime,   ZAT, Spectrum Softwre Hire,     Outlet, Rasputin, Spellunkler,  MG.PD, Sinclair News, Venture-  Soft, the IEBA, BG Services,    Chic Computer Club and Format.":
   1 RM9 5NX."'"
   1 RDS Software
   1 RDS (Research Disassembler) 
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 63600
   1 RAND USR 63600
   1 Question Time.
   1 Profile        Publications
   1 Prize Draw"
   1 Preperation is quite lengthy.   But, AlchNews MAY become a      bi-monthly soon!"''"
   1 Phew, what a letter! Thanks     very much for your kind commentsabout AlchNews, and the Speccy. I think everyone must agree withwhat you say. My local software ~zone~ (Why can't it be called ashop?) does have Spectrum games,about three 
   1 PRINT 15*1024
   1 POKE 63714,
   1 POKE 23444, <start line>"'"POKE 23446, <step between line>"''"
   1 PCG     Typeliner
   1 Our next stop in time is England26 December 1822 when Charles
   1 Orders are dealt with and postedback in under ONE HOUR, just as long as there are no mistakes onyour part! (My name is A. DAVIS,not DAVIES!!!!)":
   1 Only a small RUN-TIME module is
   1 On 18 October 1871 Babbage died having finished a model of the
   1 OUTLET"'"Chezron Software"'"34 Saltersgate Drive"'"Birstall"'"LEICESTER"'"LE4 3FF":
   1 OK. Last issue I left you in
   1 Now, you can get larger sizes ofthese for desktops, which gives you a soft surface for writing  letters on.  Get one which is   larger than 
   1 Now, the reason why Mr. Randle  decided to close down is not tooclear. It could be the fact thathe could not compete with the   already overcrowded ZX market.  He, (like me) could also be sickto the back teeth of so-called  concerned people who would      rather use a dying machine to   make a name for themselves (and a bit of cash). It could be thathis talents could be better     utilised on a 16 bit machine.":
   1 Now we come to the final (and inmy opinion the best) compiler:
   1 Next we move onto ZIP (which waswritten in BASIC and compiled into code by itself).
   1 Next we come to the STRANGEST
   1 Next the pair released MCODER 3 for ERE which could hanlde ANY
   1 Next issue we continue with ""B""":
   1 Next Threfall & Hodgson moved toHi Soft...":
   1 Newsdesk 1         27975
   1 Mission Control!":
   1 Miles Kinloch
   1 Media                :   70p    Postage              :   25p    Consumables          :    5p    
   1 Mary Phipps"'"12 Rose In The Bush"'"Mawgan"'"HELSTON"'"Cornwall TR12 6BB"''"
   1 Mary Phipps
   1 Maplin Electronics Plc,"'"P.O. Box 3,"'"Rayleigh,"'"Essex"'"SS6 8LR
   1 Magazine        Bytes Used      ================================
   1 MCODER 2 (which could handle
   1 MCODER 1,2 & 3
   1 MCODER 1 (which was similar to
   1 Lloyd Garland
   1 Live Long an Profit 
   1 Let's start with the poorest of the list shall we?
   1 LOGIC        essential parts of
   1 Kind Words
   1 Just arrived my way is a truly  fantastic Disassembler called   
   1 John Wilson"'"Zenobi Software"'"26 Spotland Tops"'"Cutgate"'"Rochdale"'"Lancs. OL12 7NX
   1 Joanne Budd.
   1 It now seems that AlchNews is   the only electro-mag on the     Spectrum now. Theres 
   1 Into Tasword
   1 In issue 1, I used the      Andrew Pennel print system, it  was NOT done by Delta 4 for the 
   1 In a letter by Mr Randle to me  in late October, he stated he   was moving to the Amiga. So, in my reply, I asked about the ZX  products he had. He offered me  the rights at a reasonable priceso I took the offer."'"
   1 In 1982 Threffall and Hodgson
   1 If you want to see what can be
   1 If not then I'll start on the
   1 INITIAL INCOME       :   `1"''"
   1 I'm glad you likedAlchNews. You are not alone in  both senses of your letter:     
   1 I'll have received a reply.
   1 I thank you for your kind       comments on the techhie bits. I like to be very diverse with    AlchNews, but I realised how    popular the techhie area in     
   1 I rate this 'zine at 80%, so"'"miss it at your peril."''"
   1 I personally like this compiler.":
   1 I personally do not like this
   1 I gave the cheque to my father  to put into his account as I    owed him some money and the     cheque covered it. Then, on the 9th of November, I got a letter from TSB Carlise saying there   had been a problem with the     cheque and it was enclosed with ~REFER TO DRAWER~ written on it,meaning it had bounced. This    left me in an awkward position  as it was the money I owed my   father. I tried to call Alec    thinking this had been a simple mistake, but his number was not to be found. I then called      someone who may be able to help,":
   1 I do not think that I shall be  running TWO diskzines, but hope to add the 
   1 I can't  print what the initials stand   for!  Not only do you get the   standard scroller (you get threetotally different ones), but get3 channel sound to light, and   the chance to change pattern andcolour of the 8*8 scroller!"'" What caught my eye though was  the hilarious section all about Martyn Sherwood of Prism PD! Youwant me to tell you about it?   Nahhh! Read it for yourself: 
   1 I ad an advert in the SAM ADV.  CLUB magazine because I was     selling a couple of things. I   got no replies until a month    later when I got a short letter from a Mr Alec Carswell with a  chque enclosed. Feeling pleased that I sold thm, I quickly      packed them off the next day. ":
   1 How much work is required of    the customer."''"
   1 Hi Soft compiler (48K & 128K)
   1 Hello and welcome to the update program of  AlchNews 10.  I'm   afraid I managed to fill the    last issue much easier than I   thought and I had a few things  to say which couldn't wait untilMarch, so here I am. This issue will be known as 
   1 Germany in the year 1746.
   1 Generation Gap 
   1 G. Rowland's 128k masterpiece which allows you to enter music exactly as it's     written in sheet form.
   1 G. Rowland"'"
   1 Free Gifts
   1 First, lets consider Tasword 2. This was the first ~real~"'"wordprocessor for the Spectrum. It came out years ago, when our humble little computer only had rubber keys!"'"Tasword 2 used a very simple"'"method of storage, saving out   the textfile as a 
   1 First let's have a list of the
   1 Final Comments";
   1 Final Comments         
   1 Fear not. They WILL appear here!":
   1 English instructions to the
   1 Engine; it is a mechanical
   1 Engine. However, due to an
   1 E8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::99999:888888888888888888888888::99999:888888888888888888888888::99999:888888888888888888888888::::::::888888888888888888888888:::99999888888888888888888888888:::99999888888888888888888888888888::::8888888888888888888888888888::::8888888888888888888888888888::::8888888888888888888888888888::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 Don't forget to send an SAE"'"with  your enquiry.":
   1 Domonic Morris
   1 Does this create ~enemies~?"''"
   1 Difference Engine and will
   1 Difference Engine Babbage draws
   1 Decide on the size of disk      you want (ie: 15k)"''"
   1 Deadline is roughly one month   before release date. If you get your work in early, you can     guarantee a good place in the   magazine.
   1 David Ledbury"'"AlchNews SAM Offer"'"19 Lyme Avenue"'"MACCLESFIELD"'"Cheshire SK11 7RS"''"Telephone: 0625 617262
   1 Dave Wilson: AVALON 
   1 Darren Randle"'"PROFILE PUBLICATIONS"'"166 Valley Drive"'"Gravesend"'"KENT"'"DA12 5SH"''"
   1 Daniel Huby      
   1 DAGENHAM"'"            
   1 Craig Cassell
   1 Cost and value for money."''"Lets look at work first. I      personally noticed a signigicantincrease in orders when I began to sell ~ready made~ tapes. I   thought this was due to people  not wanting to mess about with  a blank tape and an SAE.  This  links in well with the cost &   value for money.":
   1 Contributors can have a free PD program for each page they do.  Area contrbutors get free accessto the PD Library.
   1 Contributing to AlchNews
   1 Computer";
   1 Chic Computer Club"'"PO BOX 121"'"Gerrards Cross"'"Bucks SL9 9JP":
   1 CLEAR 50174
   1 CLEAR 39999: RANDOMIZE USR 63600
   1 Buying AlchNews:"'"
   1 But, don't just take my word forit. One person who can definetlyfill you in of his problems is  our very own 
   1 But, AlchNews is somewhat biggerand the usual 128k tunes get    rather nauseating after the     fourth repeat!"''"
   1 Bob Dickson"'"RDS Software"'"24 Chelsea Park"'"Easton"'"BRISTOL"'"BS5 8AG":
   1 Beverley Hills Cop
   1 Before I start to get questions over the Sinclair News affair,  let me take the time out to     explain the story:"''"
   1 Barry Spencer    
   1 Babbage develops the Difference
   1 BASIC command and compile it in
   1 At only `1, this collection is  excellent value for money.":
   1 As many of you are aware, there have been some really good"'"wordprocessors written for the  various models of Spectrums."'"Perhaps the best known of all   these are the range written by  Tasman Software."''"Over the next few pages, I'll betelling you all about the"'"various ways that Tasword saves its files, and bits of Tasword'shistory. ":
   1 As ZX BIBLE this is an integer
   1 Artist 2 (48k +D)
   1 Another soapbox, this time  about user groups touting for   business. A big article on the  I.E.B.A. user group, some usefultips on CORRECTLY connecting an external tape to the +2.":
   1 And some of the programs which aare available were donated FREE OF CHARGE from me!":
   1 Analytical Engine.
   1 All remained quiet until the
   1 All of which are no longer
   1 Alec Carswell
   1 Alchemist Research).":
   1 Alchemist Research Products.
   1 Alchemist PD Updates"
   1 AlchNews for FREE:"'"
   1 AlchNews Prices Breakdown.
   1 AlchNews 9         53733        
   1 AlchNews 11 - available March 94
   1 Albert Harper"'"61 May Street"'"LUTON"'"Beds. LU1 1QX":
   1 Again I apologize to any Speccy
   1 After saving your BASIC in a
   1 ATTR = 8 * PAPER + INK
   1 ASSEMBLER    software which
   1 ARITHMETIC   one of the three
   1 APPLICATION  the specific task
   1 ANY address in RAM)!
   1 AN10C     
   1 AN10B     
   1 AN10A     P
   1 ALU          see ARITHMETIC
   1 ALGOL        high level language             best suited to
   1 ADDRESS BUS  parallel connection             used to carry
   1 A bit better. Stephen Mullenstarted a reviews section and   this contained some details on  the newly opened Alchemist PD   Library."''"
   1 ================================
   1 ;"Well, if you've read this far,  then thank you for your time.   I hope you enjoyed this piece.  Any comments or corrections to  my text can be addressed to me  ~The Demon Hacker~ at the usual AlchNews address."'"Thanks to Andy Davis (Da Boss!) for allowing me  to use"'"AlchNews for my witterings."'"Oh yes, I suppose I'd better saythanks to Iron Maiden, Jethro   Tull and Motorhead fo making"'"such good music to type to."'"Remember folks, if it loads,"'"hack it, and Up the Irons!"'"The Demon Hacker wuz yer! Oct 93":
   1 48*38 Centimetres.
   1 46410"'"40
   1 40960,    6850
   1 40960  30 FOR a=46403
   1 25p 1st Class.
   1 23638-4722":
   1 215,130,28,247,200,215,    153,30"'"60 PRINT ~Any key to re-save~   70 PAUSE 0"'"80 SAVE d1~+sysBeta~
   1 2) The cheap method:
   1 10 CLEAR 4e4"'"20 LOAD d1~+sysBeta~
   1 1) The Posh Way:
   1 .To think, the Spectrum was once one of the to selling home      computers. 
   1 .I've not actually sen this      system but I've heard that thereare two ST's. First is          
   1 ...but when I mentioned Alec's  name, the person in question    knew all about him and what was happening. After some research, it seems I'm not the only one   having problems."'"
   1 . To turn BRIGHT on, 
   1 . This version is by 
   1 . The DLS program,     
   1 . PFN leaflets are 
   1 . In issue 9, I made the  mistake of compairng them to    Sinclair News. Let me just pointout that Sin. News as just a    tapezine, whereas Outlet is a   ~software magazine~, where you  not only get news and reviews,  but a large selection of games &programs too, hence the larger  price.":
   1 . If you buy Music Writer fromme (it is 
   1 . I was evenmore surprised to see it was    available from me! The reason   being it is one of the many     
   1 . I loaded in the Romantypeface and wrote the title. I then saved it to disk, and      loaded it into 
   1 . I hope to have a  full review in issue 11, but    until then, get more details on this, the finest and most       detailed disassembler from:"''"
   1 . I have   passed on all the items I was   going to use to them.  The      future of Avalon is none to     certain. All involved have full time jobs of one sort or anotherso there may only be 3 or 4     issues per year, but if responseis good, they may change their  minds!"'"As they have limited resources, I shall be handling duplication for them.  Any input for the    Avalon team should be marked    
   1 . He   gives a full account in his     demos 
   1 . (=15360)"''"
   1 .  The owner,  Mr D. Randle, has decided to puthis efforts into 
   1 .  The amount you want is totally  upto you depending  on how much disk space you need in relation to how long your    basic will be, but 
   1 .  Speking of help files, I have written a quick   introduction to 
   1 , which will be serving the Amiga.For more details, please contact"''"
   1 , the very   useful program which puts M/C   into a REM statement, and also  
   1 , the      Muso's booklet is available at areasonable 
   1 , run by Garry    Rowland. Garry has produced someabsolute classics in his time,  like 
   1 , like the Amiga    version, which was on the YS    Covertape. There are a couple ofversions of it about. I have andsell the ORIGINAL....":
   1 , inthe AlchNews style.":
   1 , but not all my    readers are Outlet subscribers, and seeing as how most ~Letters~saw AlchNews 9, I can count all of those too!"''"
   1 , a PDprogram, loaded in the screen$  and then compressed it from the normal 7k down to 1.3k! The     program extracts all patterns ofcode and compiles it into an    automatic M/C program.":
   1 ,  originally by Harold Faeltymeir,and used in 
   1 ,  both available from me. Garry's work always incorporated the    most excellent fonts, icons and use of colour ever seen! His PD packs, which range from music   jingles, to useful factual data systems, are listed in the MISC section of Alchemist PD.":
   1 ,  another excellent program which can store machine code into a   REM statement. I could have justput the original screen here,   the result would be the same,   but would have took 6k more RAM!"''"Line 9996 used the same process for the LETTERS header.         Line 9997 contains the font and 48k editor code, and was stored in the same way."''"Regular contributors can have   the aforementioned programs free":
   1 +D Conversions"
   1 *Spellunkler II* Back From  Beyond
   1 ** LOAD PART THREE. **"
   1 * * LOAD PART TWO. * *
   1 * * A L C H E M I S T  P D * * *
   1 * * * * A L C H N E W S. * * * *
   1 * * * * * STAR LETTER! * * * * *
   1 (working for PSS) developed
   1 (which can be made to run from
   1 (this includes variables space).
   1 (see later for details.)":
   1 (big? Where? Ed.)
   1 (as with most other compilers)
   1 (What do you mean,   WAS? It was, is and always will be! Ed)
   1 (How dare you   mention that name in my mag! Ed)
   1 (4 levels of password entry) andyou can begin compiling.
   1 (3).. I also continued with my  PAW section on how to make a    better game, and the Magic      Button Project. I did give some details on how to use the print system used in issue 1. All backissue readers please FORGET the Propac ad, as their shoddy      service shut them down!"''"
   1 "50"      
   1 "5",o;"With the release of the new +3, Tasman released what was"'"probably the ultimate version   of Tasword. Thanks to the new   disk drive of the +3, Tasword +3gave it's users a spell checker.Being a totally disk based"'"system, many users were a bit   upset that they couldn't use"'"tape, and at that time, Amstrad disks were unreasonably priced. Still, the new version proved   to be a worthy successor to the earlier versions of Tasword.":
   1 "5",o;"With the release of the new +2, Tasman released Tasword +2."'"Basically the same as the older Tasword 128, this program"'"improved mostly on the older oneby making the keypress commands more logical. Apart from this   though, the program remained"'"mostly the same. Later, with therelease of the +2a, Tasman"'"altered the Tasword +2 program  slightly, allowing it to run on the +2a. Later, Tasman released a tape containing both the +2"'"and +2a versions.":
   1 "5",o;"The popularity of the Microdrivegrew, so Tasman released Tasword3. This time, you had a smaller text buffer, but the problem of the wasted memory was solved.   Tasword 3 used end of line"'"markers, and saved an awful lot of precious memory. Also, for   the first time, people with the microdrive system had access to fast data storage/retrival. Gonewas the black text and white"'"paper, and gone too, was the oh so slow running speed.":
   1 "5",o;"About the only thing that none  of the Taswords can do, is to   use graphics. This is a pity"'"really, as letters and such likecan look quite good with logos  or bits of clip art. Still,"'"Tasword is only a wordprocessor,not a DTP. It's very true to saythough, that if it involves"'"manipulating text, then Tasword +3 can do it. Some other"'"wordprocessors come quite close to Tasword, but they certainly  don't do any better.":
   1 "4",o;"To expand a bit then, Tasword 2 simply saved out a continual"'"stream of ASCII with no end of  line markers. The ~lines~ of"'"text were all 64 bytes long, so even if you only had a single"'"character on a line, 64 bytes ofdata was still saved, the other 63 bytes simply saved out as"'"spaces. Still, Tasword 2 had"'"many advantages, and for the"'"first time, many people started to look at the Speccy as more"'"than simply a games machine."'"Wordprocessing on the Spectrum  had arrived.":
   1 "4",o;"Tasword +3 used different end ofline markers. For the older"'"versions of Tasword, Tasman useda 0 (zero) to mark the line's"'"end. Tasword +3 uses 2 markers, a 13 and a 10. The effect of"'"this is to make the text file   take an extra byte per line."'"Beware of this when using the   program, as the character count in the program doesn't take thisinto account. None of the older versions did either, but if you are used to simply adding an"'"extra byte per line to the"'"count, then you are going to be way out on your calculations.":
   1 "4",o;"Sinclair News 3 is a multi"'"loader, but don't let that put  you off it. The tape was of verygood quality, and loaded first  time. Of course, users of disk  drives won't find anything to   complain about at all."''"
   1 "4",o;"Looking at my Spectrum Software Hire catalogue, I can see that  Tasword 2, Tasword +2,"'"Tas-Spell and Tasword +3 is"'"still available for hire."'"If you are not a member of SSH, then drop a line to:"''"
   1 "4",o;"Following the release of the newSuperSpeccy, the 128, Tasman"'"launched it's new Tasword 128.  Now, the Spectrum had really"'"come of age, with lots of"'"memory and an ever increasing"'"software base. Tasword 128 gave you all the best features of theprevious Tasword programs, only now, you had a much larger text buffer. The program was fast,"'"reliabe, and BIG! Almost 64K of RAM was dedicated to the text   buffer. Space enough for about  20 pages of closely spaced A4   paper. End of line markers were still used, saving memory.":
   1 "0";"Dear Andy,"'"Thanks for the quick response tomy last order. The +D Adventure collection is really great."'"Do you have a price list of     other such products?"'"Sincerely, 
   1 "0";"Dear Andy,"'"  I must say how interesting I  found the information in your   publication (AlchNews). I'm surethat a lot of oldtimers (like   myself!) feel that we are the   only persons in the universe    still plugging away with an     obsolescent piece of electronic nostalga, it's nice to know     we're not alone!"'" I was particularly interested  in your 'techy' bits, as I like to customise my Specs."'"
   1 "'''''"Hello, my name is Alexa Weston. I'm the new editor(ess) for Book-Link.  If you would like to    review your favourite book or   have any news for the Alchnews  readers please write to me care of the Alchnews address.         My favourite books are super-  natural ones, written by authorslike Richard Laymon and James   Herbert.":
   1 "''''"VERY full issue! Just room to   say thankyou for reading. Next  issue will be an 
   1 "''''"This section should have been inlast issue, but with the late   introduction of another +3      machine, I had to forfeit."''"So, what is it? It's a prize    draw! From my ever growing list of customers, I select three    lucky winners who get free PD!  Add this to my free issue for   the Star Letter and you can see I'm only here to lose money!":
   1 "''''"James Herbert's books can be    found in any major leading book stores, and cost around five to seven pounds."''"PORTENT is `5.99 paperback      ISBN 0-450-58885-8"''"Now, I'll hand it back to Andy  who has found more of those     infernal ~Star Wreck~ books!":
   1 "''''"Another group which has closed  down is 
   1 "'''"You see, there are one or two   people who just write to see    what they can get for free. Manytook advantage of my four free  credits offer and never replied.Those that did re-order or said thankyou or took the time to    write me a letter automatically get free and extra PD. Those whowere just in it for the free    gifts miss out. Besides this,   all FRIENDLY companies get free PD, and so do contributors. I   don't like charging for PD but  it goes to a worthy cause.":
   1 "'''"You can also check on the bytes you'll have free for yourself bytyping 
   1 "'''"To claim your free PD, just sendthe usual media & SAE and your  chosen titles, and expect the   speedy response you've come to  know.":
   1 "'''"This issue's winners:"'''"
   1 "'''"The cover gives a pretty tongue in cheek look at the release of ~Prehistoric Adventure~, quite  an old adventure, by a adventurecompany."''"Reviews include the Zenobi Gold Collection which is very well   detailed, and a preview of a    game called 
   1 "'''"So I have no hesitation in      promoting 
   1 "'''"POSTAGE: 
   1 "'''"No, I didn't think you'd do thatso QUIT BADMOUTHING. I work     bloody hard nine hours per day  as a Precision Engineer, and    when I get home I spend my free time doing the PD orders and    answering queries and doing     AlchNews orders."'''"If this person in question knew anything of Alchemist Research, he's know my prices are a ~gate~which only dedicated Speccy     users pass.":
   1 "'''"Moving away from humour now. If you are a true computer freak   and love the world of chips,    wiring digrams and pinouts, then
   1 "'''"James Herbert, in my eyes, is a brilliant author. So, for my    first review, I'd like to tell  you some details about his back-ground and my favourite book..."''"He was born in London's East Endand was educated locally and    then he won a scholarship at theHighgate and Hornsey College of Art."'" Later on he had several jobs inadvertising where he progressive-ly moved up to become a head   associate director.":
   1 "'''"If I have to be really picky"'"and find a fault with the zine, then the only thing I really"'"comment on, is the general lack of content. Still, I'm certain  that Darren will soon fill it   out a bit, it's always"'"difficult to get support for a  new 'zine."''"All in all then, I really liked this 'zine, and I'm sure that itwill only get better and better as time goes on.":
   1 "'''"I hope you all liked your free  gift last issue. This time, we  have MUCH more! After this, you will find some Tasword utilties and some VERY good 128k music   utilities. For all you 48k'ers  who won't hear the magic of the AY, don't fret, the 
   1 "'''"I got my Spectrum way back in   1983, when I was 11, along with ~Cookie~ & ~Monsters in Hell~,  but happy as a pig in muck.     About two years ago, the trusty old Speccy got sidelined & I    packed it away, but came to my  senses when a local shop startedselling Y.S. Now it's running   alongside a C64 
   1 "'''"Eventually he left advertising  and became a full time horror   writer. His first book, 
   1 "'''"Chris Taylor is a name you all  know. Besides writing for Alch- News, he runs 
   1 "'''"COMSUMABLES:
   1 "'''"Besides this, you will see      plenty of offers of free PD in  AlchNews and am giving away all programs written by Dominic     Morris and Chris Taylor of TriadDevelopments because they have  significantly helped out."'''"So, before you complain and     backstab me again, let me assureyou that you are a minority of  ONE and lets see you give your  games and magazines away for    free.":
   1 "'''"As far as AlchNews goes, it alsowon in length for issue 8 too, astaggering 15k longer than it's other counterpart."''"Well, thats all very well, but  how do I come by my price of `1?I try to offer fairness by      giving away the magazine, which is possibly the only 'zine to doso but as I mentioned earlier,  it can be a hassle for the      customer, and so prove very     off-putting, so I introduced thesales offer.  The following pagegives details of all overheads.":
   1 "'''"AlchNews reader 
   1 "''"Yes, it's true! About two weeks after the release of AN9, I got the entire collection! I've alsofound that they're only         available from W.H. Smith."''"
   1 "''"Whilst making a study of many   Spectrum producers, I noticed   two prime factors:"''"
   1 "''"What else has this issue got in store? Well, I've noticed a lot of price grievences lately, so  I'm going to give a detailed    breakdown of our accounts, whichPROVE we're making no money fromyou at all. I've also discoveredsome places are selling +D      utility disks at a whopping     
   1 "''"We have a growing number of non Public Domain programs. The     monies from these sales usually go DIRECT to the author, and my ~cut~ is for media and postage  costs only.  Our Product List   contains more details, but two  premier programs are:"'"
   1 "''"We get lots of questions here,  and answer most of them to you  personally, but for the benefit of new readers, here are some ofthe most popular recieved..."''"
   1 "''"W.N. costs `1.50 and includes   tape and postage."''"N.D also costs `1.50 and is     inclusive of tape & postage."''"AlchNews costs `1 and includes  tape/disk & postage OR is       totally FREE if you include SAE and media.":
   1 "''"To order, load up the PD list in48k mode, select the category ofprograms you wish details on,   note down the ID code and it's  title (in capital letters), and then follow the simple ordering instructions."'"
   1 "''"To adjust the size of the disk, just make a simple calculation:"''"
   1 "''"Time flies! They're now onto    issue five, and this will most  likely the last time you'll see it in this format. Why? Well,   basically they, with great help from David Ledbury, will be     re-packaging it into the normal A5 booklet but with the popular fanzine ~From Beyond~. For more details of this, and a new PD   group, contact David or James,  addresses in Trading Post."''"Anyway, on with my review of    issue 5. `1.50 buys you 40 full pages of adventuring.":
   1 "''"This is the Public Domain branchof Alchemist Research. Prices   are the most competitive ever   seen on a Spectrum, and tere aremany types of programs availble,from games to communications    software to vital utilities for your machine, like disk progs."'"To see what the library has, youneed to see our 
   1 "''"This has a fast +D disk loader  with no corruption, and comes   with about 7 or 8 song files. Itseems that Y.S. only loaded in  one of the files and saved it onthe covertape like that."''"Another system is 
   1 "''"This along with other incidents (which I shall leave to those   concerned wether to air there   complaints or not) give pd      librarys a bad name. The pd lib-rarys are the speccys only      survival prospect. So please    PRISM and other pd librarys, if you really care about the speccy, provide a good service as if  you don't you could damage the  speccys survival."'''"          SIGNED"''"
   1 "''"There are only two error        messages connected with RAMDOS: 
   1 "''"There are many efficent pd      librarys, but 
   1 "''"The two crews form three groups,the pro-jumpers, the con-jumpersand the neutrals who haven't a  thing to gain by helping either.Dacron (Data) saves the day and both crews and they end up at a Star Wreck convention and some  hilarious events. (A genuine    Cap'n Ricardo Night Light with abulb glowing in a plastic effigyof Ricarod's head!"''"
   1 "''"The purpose for the program is  for customers who purchase MusicWriter from me to get the best  out of it without the manual. I am not producing the manual, butit is still available from Garryhimself at..."'"           
   1 "''"The pricing policy is the same  for our PD orders. Compilations work out even greater value for money. A contribution from ALL  PD which is sold will be going  to the Sheffield Cats Shelter   which provides a warm and safe  home & food for ill & abandoned cats and kittens.":
   1 "''"The following letter is a       complaint that the individual   has asked to be aired. He has   passed on this letter to severalother companies. The contents donot neccessarily reflect those  of Andy Davis and Alchemist     Research and our staff."''"
   1 "''"The first demo out under the    Triad name is 
   1 "''"The finished code from Compress was then loaded into 
   1 "''"The average price for a product seems to be between `1 and `2.  I compared AlchNews with two    other Sinclair tapezines; 
   1 "''"Thats what you're reading! It's available quarterly, every      MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER and in   DECEMBER. Now that we have a    very large readership, it may   become bi-monthly, but more     details another time."''"Ordering AlchNews...":
   1 "''"Some important news of issue 11:I was going to make it the      standard two parter. Part A was going to be the usual stuff, andPart B was going to be an       adventure special with news,    reviews, lots of tips courtesy  of *Spellunkler* and a preview  of a new tape magazine called   
   1 "''"Some games which I have seen andplayed are 
   1 "''"So, if you want a true +D       conversion, send an SAE for moredetails to:"''"
   1 "''"So it saddens anybody to learn  that PRISM is one of those not  up to scratch. Take 1 case that comes to mind, PRISM sell a     VIDEO TITLING PACK. For `3 and  your own disk you get 13 progs. 'Ahh! what bargain!' I hear you say, alas this is not the case. It would be natural to assume   that you get a lot of (if not 13) titlers in this pack. No,     instead what you get is 4 titlers that  don't work because they need Y.S.MEGABASIC, 1 'titling' prog that is little more than   some PRINT statements strung to-gether which prints                                          
   1 "''"Sigh. It seems some people just can't accept competition. If youget people saying nasty things  about me and my products, pleasepass them on. I shall respect   your right to anonymonity and   will even return postage. It    seems a megolomaniac ~child~ is spreading malicious rumours. If you can PROVE that I'm making   money, pleae send it as I wil   pass that onto charity too,     which is more than most do."''"And while the subject is arisen,why not lower YOUR prices, or   give your products away!":
   1 "''"Seeing as how this is a sort of celebration, I thought I'd take time out to show all the changeswe've adopted to make AlchNews  as fresh and well presented as  possible:"''"
   1 "''"Out lines in the standard       sinclair char set, 1 prog that  does the same but slighty better, which might be ok if it didn'tcrash and you knew how to       operate it, 4 progs which are   designed to display instructions,which again might be ok if theywere  correct and (in one case) related to the programs suppliedAnd finally of the 3 progs that were actually TITLERS and did   actually WORK, only 2 are useful(containing different fonts) as the 3rd is exactly the same as  the 2nd (although the prog main-tains it is a newer 
   1 "''"One of our special features thisissue is the 
   1 "''"Of course, it's easily to chargefor a well presented tape, but  how much Spectrum material are  you getting for your money? ThisINDEPENDENT chart shows how manybytes were used on each 'zine:"''"
   1 "''"Now, you must cut it out into   the shape as the Spectrum and +Dwhich is like an upside down ~T~to roughly the size shown above.":
   1 "''"Now in fairness to PRISM, the   owners/managers are not respons-able for the content of pd soft-ware nor are they able to alter them by law. However there is noexcuse for this incident of     balat misleadment. It is not a  pack of 13 progs they are  sell-ing, more 3-4 programs which aresurounded by a couple of uselessprogs when maybe only 1 or 2    were necessary. There also seemsto be no form of quality control, which all organizations,      especially pd lbrarys should    practice.PRISM are not dishonestbut there service sorely lacks.                              
   1 "''"Now for a little practical work.If, like me, you have a +D      connected an like to move the   computer forwards and backwards on your desktop, depending how  you're working, the chances are that you've knocked the +D out  of the I/O port and crashed the machine!"'" There are two cures, depending how much you are prepared to payout!"''"
   1 "''"Note that this does not include any loading screen pictures or  free gift / accompanied programs":
   1 "''"New reader 
   1 "''"My favourite is 
   1 "''"Miles also has sucessfully      adapted PCG's DTP pack to work  in 128k mode on the 128k or grey+2. This gives a ramdisk option and includes a softwae fix for  the ~sticky keys ~ problem whichaffects the +2 at times, usuallywhen the machine is code. There is also a cure for +D owners wholose files when they press BREAKto escape printing."''"
   1 "''"Lots of new PD this month. Firstof all is the entire collection from Rasputin PD. I must thank  Darren for his speedy service.  The programs are quite good, andI do appreciate them, unlike    certain other individuals who   shall remain nameless who didn'teven send an SAE or the correct payment. So, he got the programsmuch cheaper than normal, but   still had the cheek to say they were rubbish. Actually, his     language was unprintable. It's  people like this who are killingthe Spectrum.":
   1 "''"Just send in your completed     pages on tape or +D disk and    I'll upload them into the new   issue's shell, and return the   completed magazine free of      charge."''"
   1 "''"Just a few quick notes. I've    just seen a copy of the Prism PDmagazine, PD POWER, and I'd justlike to mention two things."''"1: The article on page 3 about     Alec Carswell has NO support    from me. Mr. Sherwood claims    he has had no dealings with     him, so his comments are very   unjustified."''"2: Prism PD has had all of Chris   Taylor's products revoked, so   customers should NOT purchase   them, but get them FREE from    Alchemist Research.":
   1 "''"Its good to know that in an areaof the computer world which is  being totally dropped by the    mainstream manufacturers there  are still some people who are   willing to stick with 'lil old  Speccy. Everywhere you go, it's the same old routine...
   1 "''"It seems I created a bit of     confusion in issue 9 about what I sell, so to make it clearer,  here is my second attempt!"''"
   1 "''"It even has a section on populardisk systems and the Microdrive and Wafadrive is even mentioned!MS-DOS and all commands and     languages & examples are given. It even has a troubleshooting   chart for disks, tapes and      monitors, giving repair details and how to adjust."''"At `12.95, it is rather costly, but if you are a novice or not, you will definetly find things  in here useful and informative."''"ISBN 0 7506 0372 0 (pub. 1991)":
   1 "''"Issue 9 contained a neat title, but exactly how did it get to   that? It all started on 
   1 "''"In the meantime, if you would   like a copy of Lemmings or Elite(128k) which loads and saves thecommanders to disk, then send anSAE, blank disk and some PROOF  that you own the original game, either  your original tape and /or your inlay card or whatever."''"The Elite Conversion saves the  commander as a normal CODE file,so it can be easily altered in  basic, or via my Editor program.Mark does point out that it is  advisable to use an empty disk  for storing commanders, just in case something goes wrong!":
   1 "''"If you would like to contribute ANYTHING for AlchNews, be it onepage or a regular article, then our contributors pack is now    available FREE to all. The pack contains a special file on how  these pages are created. It alsocomes with 
   1 "''"If you have an old computer you don't want anymore, but would   like to upgrade for a SAM, then contact David Ledbury. He is    offering an amazing deal:  Tradein your old computer and get a  SAM Coupe for the discount priceof `150 and he'll even throw in a couple of software packages   too! For more details, contact:"''"
   1 "''"I've made some subtle changes inthe library. First, I've removed
   1 "''"I've had quite a lot of orders  for my +D utilities disks, so   for prospective customers, heressome details on the disk:"''"
   1 "''"I'd just like to apologise to   regular readers and decicated   friends of Alchemist Research   who didn't know what that was   about.  A childish indicidual   is jealous of my success and    tries to achieve status by      knocking down other's work. I   have been advised to ignore his mail, and this is the only otherway to pass on my feelings."''"But, if you do have a genuine   grievance, please let me know.  I've been trading seven years   and have not had one complaint!":
   1 "''"I would like to make it         
   1 "''"I would just like to thank the  folowing people for their       contributions to AlchNews and   Alchemist Research:"''"David Ledbury, Demon Hacker,    Alexa Weston, James Waddington, Chris Taylor, Mark Harris,      Dominic Morris, Darren Randle,  Darren Blackburn, Lloyd Garland,Bob Dickson, Kevin Cooper,      Outlet (Ron & Brian), Brian GaffAndy Moir, Miles Kinloch and allreaders and supporters. Thank   you all."''"
   1 "''"I would also like to make it    clear that the comments made    about Darren Randle stealing theAlchNews shell for 
   1 "''"I start this issue with an      update on last time.  It seems  that 
   1 "''"I know that this was printed in Outlet 74, but I got this info  back in September, and some A.N.customers are not Outlet readers":
   1 "''"I couldn't let an issue pass    without thanking the people who wrote with their comments."''"
   1 "''"Hello and please give a belated birthday celebration to         Alchemist Research, which was   seven years old on the first of October 1993!  I've just had to re-write this editorial, due to lots of new happenings in the ZXWorld. First, it is my sad duty to report the demise of 
   1 "''"Hello again to all our new      readers we picked up from last  issue and from other 'zines.    I'm glad you've joined us!  Lastissue was a landmark. As it was our 7th birthday, I decided to  revamp the system, which        everyone (except M. Harris!)    liked. What was the insult then?Well, he missed the page numbersand ENTER to advance pages, and David 'Nelson' Ledbury wanted meto adopt 40 column text and use Tasword to enter the text. I    must agree on both counts, but  this method is tried and tested,and I ain't changing it again!":
   1 "''"Final quick tip for 128k users: When using the RENUMBER command,would you like to renumber your listing to your own design of   line numbers, rather than type  in the program in the manual?"''"
   1 "''"Dear Sir, (good start- Andy!)"'"Last week, my old and much used Multiface got broke. The problemseems to be the edge connector. The Multiface got dropped, and  the connector has split across  the top edge. Can you tell me   where I can get a new part, and instructions for fitting it"'"please?"'"With Thanks, 
   1 "''"Dear George,  
   1 "''"Dear AlchNews,"'"  After purchasing my first     edition of A.N. (ish 9), I felt that I had to write and say how good AlchNews really is.  It    came as a shock to me when I    read that Your Sinclair was     closing down, but while reading through the ~Big Final Issue~   
   1 "''"Chris also went on to say that  he (and many others) like the PDLibrary as it currently is. So, I shall keep it as it is, but   introduce a few compilation     tapes / disks."''"Now, I feel I must apologise to 
   1 "''"As usual there is no shortage oftips: pages and pages of them!  Lots of previous reader's help  pleas and questions have been   answered. Theres a Soapbox      section about the Jurassic Park bandwagon people are jumping on,and there are more details on   the 
   1 "''"As I stated earlier, all the    resources of Alchemist Research are at your disposal.":
   1 "''"Another bumper pack of free     gifts again this issue, and I   shall continue to do this every time. This issue we have an     excellent rendition of 
   1 "''"AlchNews 11 will comprise of    just one part, and as a seperateload will be 
   1 "''"A good friend and AlchNews      reader is Mark ~Miktor~ Harris. Ignoring his self-criticsim, he is possibly the best +D         programmer I have ever come     across! SOme of his more popularworks are 
   1 "''"3) The code in question was PD     and NOT the Scepical code       used  by Delta 4 on the         Boggit."''"4) Sinclair News issue 1 was a     Tasword 2 file and used my      Tasword viewer program, BUT I   wrote this in 1990 for my own   use and added it to APD when    I started up. It was my own     fault I didn't put my name on   it. But Darren apologised       when he found out and would     have credited me if he'd        known I was the author.":
   1 "''"(8).. Also my one man quest to  bring back into use all those   thermal printers with the aid ofsome PD software and fax paper! I also promised a comprehensive adventure tips section for ish 9but due to the sudden arrival ofthe new shell, I completely     forgot - sorry!"''"
   1 "''"(2).. Anyway, I soon dropped 42 column as it proved very tediousto format correctly. I also     stuck a 48k Interrupt digital   clock in the corner. I started  the first series on the ~magic  Button~ project, and my PAW     section. Also, an ~unknown~     called 
   1 "''"            ISSUE 3."''"I was very impressed with this  latest tapezine from Neon PD.   The Enigma style of text veiwer is very simple to use, and showsa good deal of thought has gone into the production. Darren"'"Randle, the editor of the 'zine shows his writing talents well  in this production. Members of  SSH will know of Darren, for he wrote many game reviews for the newsletter, and I'm very pleasedto see that he has expanded intowriting his own 'zine.":
   1 "'"Thanks Kevin. You didn't mentionyour job of trying to contact   Alec by mail or the cheque's    amount. But, you are not alone. Being in my public position, I  cannot cast judgement, but at a personal level I have had many  problems with Venturesoft in thepast. I am unable to comment in AlchNews, but if you read the   new tapeine 
   1 ""computer"".":
   1  with the attribute colour of    your choice, then 
   1  will give   roughly a 23k Ramdisk and 16k   for your basic."''"Remember that the figures are   approximate, due to the RAMDOS  Opearting System requiring some memory. (1762 bytes)":
   1  which is a large 64 column file of all our titles."'"We also do collections which    include media and postage which saves you even more money.":
   1  which crushes 7k     screen files down to around 1k!"''"
   1  which clearsthe entire disk. 
   1  which blows the socks offany other tapezines around!"''"But after lengthy discussions, Ihave managed to persuade them togive away issue One FREE with   AlchNews 11!":
   1  which      caters for the Spectrum & SAM."''"
   1  was, and it was never the same when the immortal 
   1  tune WILL work on the 48k, but the   sample quality will be fuzzier. Finally, theres the excellent   
   1  to your total.":
   1  to set,     then check by pressing 
   1  to save etc.    Merge and Delete are also fully supported, as is 
   1  titles I have yet to find room & time to release!":
   1  there is a   thorough review of Venturesoft.":
   1  the +D Multiface style  ROM!"''"Mark also does tape to disk     transfers. No, I don't mean he  just puts tape files onto disk, but TOTALLY REWRITES them so    they load and save their files  too!":
   1  that there is  no bad blood between Darren     Randle and myself. I will admit there was some brief tension,   but this was blown up out of allproportion thanks to the Post   Office losing one of Darren's   letters and one or two busybodyssticking their noses in where itwasn't needed. So, let me say   that we are the best of friends,I bought the rights to his      products so they would be be    available, so if you have a     problem, TOUGH! Get used to     eating those sour grapes those  concerned!":
   1  talents into    AlchNews.  The previous issues  and Rasputin programs will be   available via Alch. Research.":
   1  takes over the RESET   button and before you get the   usual 128k menu or 48k 
   1  started a  section caled ~Mystic Dwellings~with some useful adventure      contact addreses."''"
   1  so Ican support 3~ disks now!";
   1  sent by       Christian Aymard in France.":
   1  saves the entire disk and OS to tape, so you can save the    entire environment."''"
   1  said ~Many thanksfor sending me AlchNews. It is  actually quite an enjoyable readMost interesting was that I'm   not the only person having      Multiface problems.~"''"~Thanks for AN9. And I must say how much of an impovement the   new shell makes~ said 
   1  said that this wasthe best issue ever and AlchNewsshould never stop being made."''"
   1  puts an extra command intothe +D RAM, and gives you the   equivalent of the Multiface TOOLcommand which means you can     enter standard Multiface pokes."''"
   1  project which will no    doubt make this magazine the    finest adventure news & reviews authority on the Spectrum!"''"My verdict: Excellent value for money in a less than excellent  adventurer's world.":
   1  program.":
   1  on the Amiga. But  what of Rasputin? I have        purchased this company and the  Sinclair News rights; lock,     stock and barrel!":
   1  of  course, but that really is a    programs magazine. Besides our  readers and PD customers, we    have reader from : 
   1  occurs when you try to load or merge a non-existent file."'"If you are not happy with the   colour set up, just 
   1  messageyou get a WIMP system to list   all your present snapshotted    games on disk."''"
   1  lets you reprogram the +D's snapshot filename spec.":
   1  left! The other mags    tried to copy it, but failed    miserably. Out of all the       questions they answered, I bet  95% of people are not satisfied."''"I shall take note of your       comments regarding repairs, but it does seem cheaper to buy new Spectrums, rather than fix them!
   1  is the first program, alot faster than the original    Outlet version.
   1  is not as          infalliable as we all seem!     There is a small bug in the     special format command. If you  try and format a disk to a      different capacity than the normit ignores which drive you      specify and either formats the  last drive used!"'"To cure the bug is the followingprogram, which I've put on all  +D orders of AlchNews10."''"Thanks to 
   1  is not   one off them. Complaints have   arisen."''"The spectrums mantle as a games machine (along with the C64 and Amstrad) is being taken over by graphically better consoles.    Software house's are slowing up and in some case's ceasing to   release speccy software. The fu-ture does not look good.The laststop,and probably the 8-bit com-puters survival, is the pd      library.However if those librarys are not up to scratch, then   the speccys demise is a cert.
   1  is for you.  It's price is a whopping `12.95 from Maplin   (pg 727) or W.H.Smith's. It's   255 pages long and contains all you'll ever need to know, like  abbreviations, decimal-hex-ascii-octal charts, popular chip     diagrams, uses and instruction  sets and wiring popular disk    drives, RS232 and SCART ports.":
   1  is for the 128k       machines and allows you to setupnew colours for 128k basic,     rather than black on white, and can be stored in the DOS file soa simple RUN will give a custom editor setup."''"
   1  is back to normal price    (25p). The classic 
   1  is an excellent way to    check the way yours or a friendsDOS is set up. This program     provides an easy opposite to thePOKE@ command."''"
   1  is a very    well establshed computer user   group with almost 3000 members  worldwide. Besides this, they   also have a special interest    group called 
   1  is a long running,       monthly tape and disk based     magazine containing news,       adverts and lots of homegrown   software."''"
   1  have been    rather busy lately. Besides     their large and well programmed range of utilities in the PD    List, they are probably the     finest British Demo Group. If   you know otherwise, I urge you  to send me a sample for review, otherwise, you'll remain the    second best group!"''"Anyway, as I was saying, they dosome rather fine demos. Well,   due to other commitments, the   previous group, 
   1  has just aquired a Spectrum+ and hopes todo some serious word processing and would like practical advice on printers and interfaces.     Anyone willing to pass on their suggestions or experiences writeto:"''"
   1  gives a     catalogue and gives a free spacetotal on the disk":
   1  game Ipromised some time back!"'''"Thanks to C. Taylor, L. Garland,D. Ledbury, D. Randle, M. Gent, D. Morris, J. Waddington and allwho contributed. See you in     March 1994.":
   1  for the cure to this.":
   1  for TEN! For moredetals, see the review later"'" Finally, I've now got a 
   1  for SIX!!! And then that  was reduced from `9.95! I need  not remind you that mine are    only 
   1  for ANY Speccywhich gives you a 40k ramdisk,  faster and easier to use than   the one in the 128k machines!":
   1  featuring tips, reviews,and some very good PD adventure games and my 
   1  disks at 70p.      Tapes are 
   1  comes in two parts. Part one is the comprehensive        instruction file which gives    details on all the commands and how to use them. Part two is theDOS itself and is self running."''"New commands are defined to     allow access to the disk. They  are simple 
   1  both now    available from me free of chargebut please remember your media &SAE"''"Final comment: Mr Sherwood- If  your printer suddenly develops  another ~fault~ preventing you  getting in touch - please tele- phone me as I will send you a   BRAND NEW one out of my own     pocket. It's called 
   1  as  it very dramatic and realistic."''"The basic outline is that a     strange white light appears     before earthquakes, volcanic    eruptions and so forth. The onlypersons who can save the world  are two special children, which don't know the fate of the      planet is in their hands. On theother side of the world is some-one in a Cult, trying to destroythem both."'" It's a very enjoyable read and it makes you think if this is   really that far from fiction.":
   1  appears when you  try to save a file larger than  the available free memory on thedisk."'"
   1  and placed the programs inwith 
   1  and isdesigned to fit between issues  10 and 11."''"There is no title page, just onelong section.
   1  and    uses 
   1  aims to get back any    file you may have accidentally  erased. You can also redefine   the file type (from BASIC to saySPECIAL type)"''"
   1  We only use quality,     branded 
   1  This is    very simple. Get a cardboard boxpreferably a dry, clean one     where you can cut a piece out   the same dimensions as above.
   1  The landmark! To celebrate  the 7th year of Alchemist       Research (we are no amateurs!), I quickly decided to use a new  shell. It may look like theres  less than normal, but I dropped all the sub-menus I had. There  is a lot more text than ever,   and this shall continue to be!  Thanks to Simon Goodwin, the    first of many free gifts was theuseful ~ZX-FX~ sampler."''"
   1  The first paper version.   This basically told of the new  media I suppored (+D &,and my trip around the Midlands to get them, meeting David      Ledbury and the ZAT team in the process!":
   1  Tape users - Send an SSAE and   blank C15 for it for FREE!
   1  Same format as ish 2, but   the title was now encased in a  bar. I also promised free games (Spaceman Bob- important news onthis coming up!)":
   1  SUBTRACT this from 65535        (ie: 65535-15360=50175)"''"
   1  Prices vary, depending on media but the price INCLUDES the type of media requested and all the  postage costs:"'"
   1  PD), then you get the Writer, all known song filesand the ~help file~.":
   1  Move RAMTOP to suit:            
   1  Just send a stamped, self       addressed envelope, and the     media of your choice (tape, +D  3.5~ disk, +3 disk, Microdrive) to the usual address. You can   order ANY issue you wish."''"
   1  If you pop intoa computer / stationery shop,   you will see mouse mats. Plasticcovered card with a thin layer  of sponge on the bottom.":
   1  I saw a page  of user groups, fanzines etc.   and picked out the AN article & decided to get more information,and I'm glad that I did. I shallbe buying AN every issue for allthe latest ifo, reviews, offers and all the other articles.":
   1  Convert this to bytes-          
   1  Chilling 128k PAWed   adventure in the 1984 / Clock-  work Orange style."'" 
   1  Alec Carswell made a sudden return with a new tapezine and  lots of new promises. My soapboxon PD libraries got me many new enemies! I say that they're justjealous that they can't offer a service anywhere near mine, and a free quality tapezine to boot!I also started the ball rolling for Special Interest Groups to  be formed."''"
   1  A BIRO!!! 
   1  5p is well below   the actual cost of leaflets,    envelopes and duplication. This gets donated to my local charityso I pay for all this.
   1   which is believed to work with  samples. The Axel-F tune is     obviously a sample, so perhaps  it came from that package? If   anyone can shed any light on it,let us know and we'll mention itin our paper production 
   1   brand and are 60p each.
   1   article. To accompany that are  quite a few Tasword Utilities.  This suite will allow you to    reformat your text from 64 to 32columns. Others allow you to    convert Tasword 3 files to Tas 2and even from PCG format, or    basic DATA statements! For more details on this, see the Taswordarticle."''"Finally, theres the excellent   
   1   We have a very large reader-ship, possibly the largest tape / disk magazine readership on   the Spectrum. I certainly can't think of anyone larger. OK,     maybe 
   1   Tape        `1                  +D disk     `1 (3M BRANDED)     +3 disk     `3.50               Microdrive  `2.50
   1   Philip Court     
   1   Most readers and customers  are over 30 years old, I think  the eldest is in his sixties!":
   1    has a final box of Spectrum     hardware and software for sale. Amongst them include many of thefamous and infamous devices seenon the Spectrum, including RGB  monitor interfaces, speech      synths and much more! Please    send an SSAE and perhaps 20p to cover printing costs of his list"''"
   1    Reviewed by Lloyd Garland.
   1    +D users   - LOAD d* ~TMF1~
   1     split up, and Chris ~Gawain~    Taylor formed TRIAD.":
   1      The next demo is called 
   1      Kevin Cooper, CARLISLE
   1       ~WHAT NOW ?~
   1        a concerned pd customer
   1        24 Parsloes Avenue"'"            
   1         YET MORE COMMENT        
   1         UPGRADE TO A SAM        
   1          interrput clock has been re-    vamped. It now comes with this  font and a utility to allow the 48k machine to use CURSOR UP &  DOWN while editing a line!"''"I've also written a demo - help file for 
   1          FINAL COMMENTS         
   1           Miles Kinloch"'"             Flat 16"'"        6 Drummond Street"'"            Edinburgh"'"             EH8 9TU
   1           Mark Harris."'"         1 Salters Lane"'"           FAVERSHAM."'"              Kent"'"            ME13 8YD
   1           MORE COMMENT          
   1            Apologies!
   1             THANKYOU            
   1              translate mnemonics             into machine
   1              to which a program
   1              scientific problems
   1              memory.
   1              mathematical and
   1              language which can
   1              is dedicated":
   1              from the CPU to 
   1              computer's CPU
   1              by the computer and             recognised by the
   1              binary addresses
   1              be directly loaded
   1              Sorry.             
   1              LOGIC UNTI